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Friday, December 14, 2012

Finding Interactive Lessons/ Tutorials

  1. Function Matching
  2. http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=215
  3. Math
  4. For this activity you get an original picture and then you have to try to match your line (Red) to match the line made by the website (Blue). You have an F(X) an X2 and X box that you can change the points to get the line to match the line from the computer. You can choose from a category box on the left of what type of line you’re going to recreate.
  5. I do not recommend this activity because its hard to match the points up to get the line to move to get them to be mirror images of each other. The line moves like it has a mind of its own.

  1. Ed Heads Design A Cell Phone
  2. http://www.edheads.org/activities/eng_cell/index.shtml
  3. Science and Math
  4. This activity has information about why senior citizens don’t like cell phones that teenagers like. It has a design tool that lets you design what your phone will look like. Plus, once you get into making the cell phone it has percentages on what size the buttons should be, weight, and size of the phone.
  5. I recommend this activity because its fun and educational. It lets you make a cool new phone and you learn to make it senior citizen friendly.

  1. Resume Generator
  2. http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/resume-generator-30808.html
  3. Reading and Writing
  4. For this activity you are making a resume for the workplace. It teaches students how to make a resume and to prepare them for there futures. You can save it and come back to it later if you wish.
  5. I would recommend this activity because it teaches you real life things. It is easy to use and helps you to know what to be prepared for when you have to really go out and fill out a resume.