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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Charlotte Movie Theatre

  1. Charlotte is currently using the Projector that screens 35mm.
  2. The dilemma faced by Eaton Theatre and other small theatres is that they could switch to digital or stay projector and die off.
  3. The movie company that is no longer using film to create its movies would be Fox.
  4. Digital projectors are considered cost prohibitive because one projector costs $70,000.
  5. Digital movie equipment would cause the Eaton Theatre to lose up to 20% of its annual profit because they would need to buy two of the new digital projectors but that instead of two they will probably buy just one.
  6. I think the best option for the Eaton Theatre would be to stay open and keep the business going. It’s true that the theatre is part of the community and its important to people that can’t afford the more expensive theatres.